Ango and Asui
Youth Assistance Project, Ministry Leader Ango and Asui both grew up in Northeast India and came from Christian homes. In 2007, Ango was prompted by God to reach out to people in Southeast Asia and so, he decided to move to Cambodia in 2009. At the time, Asui had already settled in Cambodia and was working to develop a newYouth Development Center in the

Ra and Nough
YDC Kampong Speu, Ministry Leaders Son of Buddhist parents, Ra Heng grew up in a village in Kampong Speu, Cambodia. As a young man, Ra moved to Phnom Penh in pursuit of employment and found work in a local restaurant as a waiter. Every morning, an American pastor would share the gospel with the staff and it wasn’t long after that Ra accepted Christ and began working for the pastor’s church.
YDC Kampot, Ministry Leader Vuthy grew up in a Buddhist family in a small rural village in Kampot province. At 23 years old, he moved to Phnom Penh to be a tuk-tuk driver. It was during this time that he was inspired by the overseas outreach teams he met to learn more about Christianity. After attending a local church, he accepted Christ in May 2007 and decided to enroll in UofN’s Discipleship Training

Umong and Nary
YDC Kampong Cham Prek Pol, Ministry Leaders Umong grew up with three brothers. Ue, an elder brother, introduced Umong to Christ during his teenage years. His desire to deepen his faith led him to enroll in UofN’s Discipleship Training School after finishing high school. In 2008, he furthered his studies at the School of Biblical Studies in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Upon his return to Cambodia,Umong met Nary in Phnom Penh.
Tim and Melanie Chan
Children at Risk: Chom Choa, Ministry Leaders Cambodian-born Tim started working for UofN as a translator. He crossed paths with Melani when she led an outreach team in Phnom Penh in 2003. Having just completed her studies at the Children at Risk school in Kona, Hawaii, Melani’s heart broke for the children she ministered to in orphanages, so decided to move over in 2004 to continue serving Cambodian people through UofN. In
Seth Sam
Children at Risk: Bati, Ministry Leader Piseth Sam grew up in a family of 8 in Kampong Cham. He completed his Discipleship Training in the Philippines and became a founding member of the school in Phnom Penh. Having established DTS in Phnom Penh, he continued serving at UofN by leading outreach teams and teaching in the classes. By 2005, he had met and married his wife
Young Ju and Song hee
Joshua Center Ministry Leaders Young Ju Park grew up in a Christian household in Korea. Much of his life has been devoted to YWAM’s ministries, beginning with his discipleship training in YWAM’s DTS in 1990. In 1997, he felt God call him to preach the Gospel to Cambodians. Having experienced life in Cambodia through outreach trips, he decided to move to Cambodia with his wife, Song Hee. After years

Rocky & Iris
Kampong Cham Rocky and Iris came from Manipur, India, in 2013 on mission for Jesus. The couple both grew up in Christian homes and met when they started working with YWAM Delhi in 2003. Both of them are passionate about seeing people from Buddhist countries encounter the love of Jesus. God has blessed them with their daughter, Ari. In early 2015, after time in

Mek and Tam
Discipleship Training School (DTS) Leaders Mek and Tam got married in May 2014, after meeting at UofN Phnom Penh. In February 2015 they had a baby girl named Aili. Together they lead the DTS. They are responsible for all areas of the DTS, which includes spiritual, emotional, and practical care. They lead the staff team and disciple and guide the students. Under their leadership,