Rocky and Iris

Seeing people in Buddhist countries encounter Jesus has always been on the heart of Rocky and Iris. From Manipur, India, the couple both grew up in Christian homes and met when they started working with YWAM Delhi
in 2003.In February 2013 they moved to Cambodia to pursue God’s vision for them to evangelize to people in South East Asia.
They are learning the language and plan to be involved in Church planting, education and training of Cambodian people. They also hope to open the way for other Christians from India to serve in unreached nations.
In order for Rocky and Iris to continue their work as volunteers at UofN, they’ll need your help! You can support Rocky and Iris by partnering with them in prayer and becoming their sponsor. Simply email uofnsponsor@ and we will send you more information on how to be their sponsor.
Thank you for your love and support!